Veolia's daily commitment to Plastic Bag Free Day!

On July 3rd, we celebrate the ​International Plastic Bag Free Day!

There is no discussion: reducing plastic pollution is THE challenge for the next generations. However, it can be solved, if you, us, me, we tackle it together. Discover some examples about how individually we can act through the 5R to fight plastic bags pollution.

According to UN Environment Programme, 80% reduction can be achieved using proven practices.

♻️ Reusing your plastic bag is one simple, easy, costless action everyone can take;
♻️ Recycling plastic is one of the solutions that Veolia brings to the challenge, with its PlastiLoop recycled products.

But you can also refuse or reduce plastic bag.

Becoming an actor of the Ecological Transformation can be as simple as this video shows it and can preserve the planet.